About Me
My Story
Hi everyone, thanks for stopping by! My name is Monica Finias and I'll be quick to share a brief story of who I am and how I ended up as an elite coach for feminine empowerment. All begins with just a girl who started out her adult life not so fortunate, said in other words - without a silver spoon. Had to work my way up slow and hard, as I'm sure most of you ladies can relate. I grew as a massive chic-flick fan: "Pretty woman", "Breakfast at Tiffany's", "Factory Girl" "Sex and the City", you name it. I've always loved to witness and try to imagine the lives of big girls who find professional glory and especially personal, intimate success. So in other words, I love to LOVE. I am that sort of girl. I also happen to appreciate nice, qualitative, refined things. A combination that feels difficult to attain these days, isn't it? While it may seem that only a few girls are lucky enough to enjoy such top quality lives, I can tell you a secret right now. With proper "tools", that sort of fortune is certainly there for you as well.
Most people who know me say I am “too brave for my own good”. Ahaha - I don’t even know what that might mean, but let me tell you what I do know. Anything is possible if you follow certain principles and are willing to put in the related efforts. Here is something personal - I am so in love with a man 25 years older than me! He is not only my boyfriend, he is my best friend! And this is certainly no small feat, if you think about it.
I was an orphan growing up, so as you might expect my life was tough, required hard work and dedication. I focused on learning life's lessons and through observations and experiences I became competent in handling woman-man relationships. Of course, I relied my newly found knowledge first and foremost to help myself. After it passed the test with flying colors, my know-how aided few good girls around me. You may call it a "guidebook" of tips and tricks that could make any lady successful in finding her proper match. By proper I mean high-value, elite men.
Thus my hard life was put behind me. I became a sugar baby and possibly mogul in the making. As you read above, I love to LOVE and now I'm able to do it. Want to know the truth about being a sugar baby? I have no problem of saying it all loud - the secrets, the pros and cons, the how to’s... Not only how to get him, but also how to keep him and be the next pretty woman on Rodeo Drive. There is so much judgementality when it comes to dating older men. Or rich men. Or famous men. Or in fact, any man who would give you exactly what you want from love and lifestyle! In my opinion, most naysayers are really hypocritical, coming from pretentious morals or more often, from outright jealousy. There is difference to how its done and there are levels to it. Expectancies, results and personal satisfaction of life. This is where I come in. Most people believe being a sugar baby means you have to be a topmodel in your early 20's. Ahaha, not true! I am a mature lady, in my 30's, mother of one. My favorable outcome was possible because I realized exactly what I wanted from life and knew how to get it. At that point I reached and grabbed.
I will gladly teach you everything I know and it will literally change your life. It's up to you - reach out. Because you deserve!
why me
Because you deserve
The pursue of improvement is fundamental. Striving for better love and lifestyle is not impossible, quite the contrary. We, ladies, are often reluctant to reach and grab. I will help develop that potential and it will transform the way you feel about yourself. From there, anything becomes achievable.
How I help
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